Sun glistened intently upon the waves
Heat burned intensely upon the sand
I peered up at a deep blue sky
Stretching endlessly before me
Plunging into its reflection below
While taking a breath at the horizon
Whose only job seemed to be
Separating one expanse from the other
As deep calls to deep.
My thoughts came and went
Crashing into themselves
Like this and that
And waves crashing onto shore
Seemingly disconnected
One after another
I shielded my eyes from glory
Too big for me
To comprehend
To understand
Deep calling to Deep
I wanted to fly
Away into that space of
Deep blue sky and sea
A limitless expanse on and on
Knowing I couldn’t
I settled merely on the sand
Sat and listened
To my scattered thoughts
While warmth radiated through my hand
And the waves…like my thoughts…danced.