Sunday, May 08, 2022

grief: year one

 Her spirit floated away from me 

Even as I clung to her body

On that rigid hospital bed

엄마 엄마 엄마 엄마 가지마

Mom mom mom mom don’t go 

I implored her to stay 

But too late she was already gone 

My brother sniffled, eyes red

Bowing his head, wiping away tears 

My dad exclaimed 

여보 진짜 간거야?”

Honey you’re really gone?

Daily life was difficult that first year 

Because I saw you in everything, everywhere

The tears came fast and furious 

Whenever I entered a TJMaxx, a Target,

A Korean supermarket  

I could hardly breathe 

as grief hit me like a wall

Buried me beneath a pile of bricks

And other days, when I would remember 

a memory of you and smile to myself 

Whisper under my breath,

엄마  있지보고싶다

Mom I hope you’re doing well. 

I miss you.