Wednesday, August 06, 2008

from... april-ish, 2007? I forget...

I don't remember when i wrote this exactly, but it popped out at me today while perusing old xanga entries. It's unfinished, but I hope you enjoy :)

i saw you
in the painting of a sunset...streaked across a velvet sky
in the force of mighty waves...crashing against a remote seashore
in bolts of lightning streaking down, ready to split the night in two...
illuminating a world starved for your glory...
i saw you there.

i heard you
in the strains of a violin weeping for love lost
in the jazz of a saxophone searching for that perfect melody
in some simple keys fashioned to create music for their maker...
heard you there.

i felt you
in the space of an empty sanctuary, saturated with your presence
in the hug of a friend whose shoulder soaked up my salty tears
when words were not enough
in the coolness of a gallery, as I tiptoed from painting to painting...
i felt you there

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