Wednesday, April 04, 2007


on a silent night
while the angels sang
on high
upon a midnight clear
a child was born in a stable
named emmanuel
first noel
prince of peace
chosen one
wonderful counselor
son of man
lamb of God.

a day would come
his life fulfilled
crown of thorns
pierced in his side
blood flowing down
sweet sacrifice
offered up for love
condemned to die
he hung forgotten
king of the jews.

the stars shone bright
as cattled lowed
and horses neighed
wise men came
and shepherds bowed
while a baby slept
in a cold world
his fate unknown
his future foretold
unfolding as a child.

and as a cross was raised
a mother remembered
as a nail was hammered
a stable and a manger
as a body was broken
his cries that filled the night

and... it... came... to... pass.

(december. 2006)

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